What is OCD?

We all have experienced “worry” in our everyday lives without lasting negative results. However, OCD worries are markedly different and problematic. OCD worries “consume” individuals and can overtake thoughts. This unending attention results in individuals “obsessing” about whatever it is that has their thoughts in focus. Another hallmark trait of an OCD obsession is that individuals understand at some point that their obsession is unrealistic and a fabrication of their mind. However, they feel helpless to control their thinking and/or behaviours regardless. The following describes obsessions and compulsions pertaining to OCD:

Obsessions are highly persistent recurring thoughts, images or impulses that cause marked anxiety. These obsessions are severe enough to be time consuming (e.g., occur daily and last more than an hour), and often cause one to “run late.” Obsessions can become problematic and detrimental to psychological well-being.

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The following Tabs provide general information (adapted with permission from Dr. Julie Ann Brock’s OCD Handout) on OCD symptoms, treatments, obsession categories, and possible corresponding compulsion(s) that individuals may engage in to lower anxiety raised by an obsession. If any of the following fit with your “mannerisms” and are negatively impacting your life, please call for a consultation – it may change your life.